Supervised Theses


  • Impact of CSR gap on Value-Growth Strategies [MSc, Armantas Aleksa]

  • Impact of ESG controversy changes on Firm Risk [MSc, Hajer Ben Ghalloum]

  • UN Sustainable Development Goals: Unveiling Impact Investing [MSc, Estefania Ospina Valderrama]

  • Investment and Non-Investment Grade for ESG Ratings [MSc, Antonia Ida Pipal]

  • Uncovering the relationship between environmental sustainability and lobbying expenditure [MSc, Florian Pommer]

  • On the influence of greenhouse gas intensity: Implications for firm risk [MSc, David Scherzer]

  • Kursreaktionen bei Publikmachung von Beteiligungen durch Aktionärs-Aktivisten [BSc, David Greussing]

  • ESG-basierte Inustrie-Analyse während der COVID-19 Pandemie [BSc, Can Merve]


  • Power of Exclusion: What Impact Does a Moving Exclusion Barrier have on Portfolio Characteristics [MSc, Tobias Muther]

  • ESG and ESG-Momentum: Two sides of the same coin [MSc, Paul Brandauer]

  • Momentum Trading and the Reversal Effect during Momentum Crashes [MSc, Carolina Casanova]

  • Relationship between Momentum and Carbon Risk [MSc, Lorenz Killian Oberdorfer]

  • Influence of Institutions on the Performance of International Investments [MSc, Sem te Riele]

  • ESG in Public Family Firms – A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective [MSc, Gabriel Uyumaz]

  • Auswirkungen von ökologischen Nachhaltigkeitsmassnahmen auf betriebliche Kennzahlen in Vorarlberger KMUs [BSc, Lisa Schwendinger]

  • Black-Littermann Model: Generating Views from Analyt Estimates vs. Quantitative Predictors [BSc, Nick Kelm]

  • Der Einfluss von M&A Transaktionen auf den Shareholder-Value [BSc, Simon Gehrer]

  • Fondsstandort-Benchmarking Liechtenstein/Irland/Luxemburg aus Perspektive der Gesamtkosten [EMBA, Martin Lütscher]

  • EU-Aktionsplan: Nachhaltigkeit am Finanzplatz Liechtenstein [EMBA, Marcel Seger]


  • Impact of CSR on Firm Risk [MSc, Djordje Filipovic]

  • Currency Momentum Risk Management: A US Perspective [MSc, Stefan Pesic]

  • Water-ETF Investments: An Performance Analysis [MSc, Kateryna Martynenko]

  • Board Collaboration and its Association with Stock Volatility [MSc, Mathias Schäfer]


  • Timberland and Forestry Investments – A sustainable asset class for the long-term investor? [MSc, Julian Baur]

  • Influence of Dividends on the Performance of Alternative Investment Styles [MSc, Nicola Betzler]

  • Estimating the Value Premium: Single-Criteria vs. MultipleCriteria Sorting Methods [MSc, Sebastian Ehmann]

  • Levermann-Approach: An Empirical Investigation for Austria, Germany and Switzerland [MSc, Michael Fleisch]

  • Can Commodity Currency Exchange Rates predict Commodity Prices? [Msc, Alexander Person]

  • A Value vs. Growth Perspective on Sustainable Equity [MSc, Manuel Schneider]

  • Momentum Strategies: Evidence from Sustainable Investments [MSc, Jan Welters]


  • Predicting Consumer Sentiment with Alternative Asymmetric Data [MSc, Louis Laurits Kjaergaard]

  • Impact of Smart Beta Value Strategies on Sustainability Indices [MSc, Frank Balz]

  • Asset Management of Charitable Foundations in Liechtenstein [MSc, Manuel Weber]

  • Possibilities of Impact Investing to Emerge from a Niche to Mainstream [MSc, Karina Kudryashova]


  • Core-Satellite Portfolio Management Strategies Using ETFs [MSc, Oksana Ostrolutska]

  • M&A – Equity Valuation for Pharmaceuticals and Biotech Firms [MSc, Stefan Kong]

  • New Bonus-Malus System for Hilti AG [MSc, Patrick Wildhaber]

  • Revisiting the Relative Strength Index: Evidence from the Swiss Market [MSc, Norman Quaderer]

  • Ist die Value Prämie tot? [EMBA, Andrea-Reto Müller]